48 Tips To Help You Drink More Water

I know it’s hard to drink enough water every day. Before I knew all these nice tricks to drink enough water I couldn’t reach my daily amount. Now I drink more than enough water and it’s super easy.
Here are my 48 top tips to drink more water:
1. Drink water first thing in the morning.
Before I eat something, I start my day with a fresh glass of water. My preference is cold, but you can also drink hot water in the morning. My advice is to squeeze some lemon juice into your glass to boost your skin radiance for the day and get your metabolism started.
2. Drink a glass after every bathroom break.
For every trip I make to the bathroom I drink a glass of water. Do you work behind a desk? This advice can also increase the number of steps you take. The more water you drink, the more often you'll have to walk between the bathroom and your desk. Getting enough exercise is almost as important as drinking enough water.
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3. Sip before every meal.
If I eat breakfast at home, I sip my water bottle while preparing my food. If I’m having dinner with my girlfriend in a restaurant, I always ask for free tap water with our drinks.
4. Add flavour to your carafe.
To not get bored by the taste of water. You can add some flavours to your carafe like fresh cucumber, basil, grapefruit, lemon, ginger and or mint.
When you have friends or family coming over for dinner, prepare the carafe the same morning. The flavours will be stronger if allowed to sit for some time compared to making it 5 minutes before drinking. You can play around with different flavours.
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5. Water is skin’s best friend.
Drinking enough water every day gives your skin a healthy glow. If you love your skin, don’t skimp on water!
6. Buy a bottle of water and use it all day.
My best investment is still my thermos bottle. I use it all day: in the morning, on my way to work, during meetings, on holiday, on the train, in the gym. Everywhere!
7. Start with a glass of water.
When I am having dinner in a restaurant, I always start with a glass of water. After that, I can enjoy another drink that I like!
8. Drink 4 glasses of water on your nights out.
I know it is hard to drink water when you’re out with friends. For me, it helps to start and end the night out with two glasses of water. This will help my hangover too.
9. Invest in a double-walled bottle.
Nowadays it is unacceptable not to own your own thermos bottle. The bottles come with nice prints and they have a lot of great advantages like keeping your drinks hot for 12 hours or cold for 24 hours, 100% leak-proof, condensation-free, BPA-free. So invest one time in your new gadget and get rid of that dirty plastic bottle. This is just one of 5 simple ways to become more sustainable.
Also Read: The Best Reusable Water Bottle
10. Don’t get bored by drinking only tap water.
Mix your drinks up with flavoured water or sparkling water.
11. Choose a glass of water instead of fruit juices and sugar bombs.
Sugar tastes nice and it gives you energy. In the short term…but drinking water helps you lose weight, gives you natural energy and helps you stick to a healthy diet.
12. Want to have a quick drink, keep an eye out for water coolers at the office.
13. Always refill your glass or water bottle.
After finishing your glass or water bottle, refill it so you are always looking at a filled glass. If you don’t know why a stainless steel bottle is better than a plastic bottle, you can read here the 6 reasons to choose for stainless steel.
14. If you are a sugar lover or a juice lover. I have a simple tip for you. Add water to your drink.
When I was young I drank AA-drink during my sports but now it’s too sweet for me. Now, I mix it. 75% water and 25% AA-drink, so I can enjoy my drink and not get bored with the taste of water.
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15. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Slowly build up your water levels.
It is important to start building up your water level slowly. Your body and your mind need to get used to the increase in your daily water consumption. If you are not a big water drinker, start with one glass of water per day using whichever tip best fits into your routine. After that try another tip until you reach your goal.
16. Who doesn’t like ice cubes?
Ever heard of fresh fruit ice cubes? Cut your fruit or lemons into pieces and put them in the freezer. You can add this to your water during hot summer days.
17. Add fruit to your water.
I’ve tried mixing every fruit into my water and I like almost all of them! The only thing I don’t like in my water is papaya haha. In the summer I love to use citric fruits like lemons, orange, etc.
18. When you’re at home, keep a glass of water next to you.
Keeping the glass in your sight will serve as a reminder and make it easy to reach your goal.
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19. Set yourself rules.
I can’t watch the next movie until I drink one glass, or I can’t pick up my phone until I have another glass of water. That last one is really fun because you need to be fast.
20. Eat ice lollies.
You can make your own lollies with your favourite fruit inside.
21. Use an app to track your glasses.
If you have a hard time keeping track of how much water you’ve drunk, try using an app to track your glasses of water. This also works for anyone who’s struggling to reach their target, but with a little self-trust and motivation, you can hit that target without an app!
22. Choose sparkling or mineral water over soda.
Soda is nice in the short term, but water is healthier. Add some fizz by choosing different kinds of water, such as sparkling water or mineral water.
23. Eat water-rich foods.
Here you can find an overview with the top 7 water-rich foods:
Cucumber, 96% water.
Tomatoes, 95% water.
Spinach, 93% water.
Broccoli, 90% water.
Brussel sprouts, 88% water.
Oranges, 86% water.
Apples, 85% water.
24. Snack on salty stuff.
If you snack on salty foods your body wants to drink more. So this is really a simple trick! Enjoy some salty nuts and drink a glass of water. Now you’re closer to your daily goal.
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25. Drink hot water at night.
I like drinking hot water on the couch when I finish my dinner. We have a lot of different flavours to put in the water, so it never gets boring. Drinking hot water also relaxes me. Try it out yourself.
26. Try herbal tea.
In the previous tip, I shared drinking hot water. Of course, you can also choose herbal tea. This will relieve stress and anxiety. Perfect after a hard day at work.
27. Keep water bottles filled up around the house and in your car and all your bags.
I keep a water bottle in my work bag, one in my gym bag, and one on my bedside table at night (I’m always afraid I’ll spill a normal glass). Plus, I have my trusty FLASKE filled with green tea or coffee for my morning commute to work!
28. Make a rule that every time you work out, you'll bring a water bottle and finish the whole thing.
Working out with water sloshing in your belly is never pleasant, but you need to replace the fluid lost by sweating. Keep a bottle close at hand and take small sips throughout your workout. During the cooldown make sure you finish the bottle and refill.
29. Get your own reusable straws.
Stainless steel straws are eco-friendly and easy to clean. Pop one into your bag and use it to drink your water. You can even save money by becoming more sustainable!
30. Drink a glass of water every time you're waiting for the coffee to brew.
Ever get impatient waiting for the coffee to brew? I do. Sip a glass of water while you wait. It will counteract the dehydrating effect of the coffee you’re about to drink.
31. Create daily opportunities to chug water.
If chugging water isn’t usually part of your daily routine, make some changes to include it. Perhaps take a different route, via the water cooler, to reach your desk. Exercise more so that your body demands more water, or challenge your friends and colleagues to meet their daily water targets.
32. Ask someone to hold you accountable
If self-motivation isn’t working try enlisting a friend or colleague to make sure you’re meeting your goals. Just telling someone your goal can encourage you to work harder to meet it.
33. Reward yourself for hitting your goals.
Reached your target today? Why not celebrate by cooking your favourite meal or watching an episode of that new TV drama. Personally, I reward myself with fresh strawberries and oaty biscuits, shhh!
Also Read: Refill A Reusable Water Bottle
34. Anytime you drain your glass or bottle, fill it back up.
Refill, refill, refill. Say it like a mantra until it becomes automatic.
35. Keep a reusable water bottle with you
Keep your bottle in your bag and you’ll never need to buy a disposable plastic bottle again. Purchasing a reusable bottle and other zero-waste essentials is also a simple way for you to minimise your plastic waste and support the Ocean Cleanup.
36. Set reminders
On busy days give yourself a helpful nudge. Set alarms or download a water tracking app to remind you when to drink water.
37. Replace other drinks with water
Usually drink coffee or sugar packed fruit juices throughout the day. Switch one a day for water or flavoured water until water is the main liquid in your diet.
38. Sip throughout the day
When I’m at work I always have a reusable bottle or a glass of water on my desk. Ready for a quick sip between typing.
39. Drink one glass of water when you wake up and before bed
While sleeping your body still loses fluids but it doesn’t take on any more. That’s why you often wake up with a dry throat. Balance out this overnight fast with a large glass of water before bed and another first thing in the morning.
40. Add lots of ice to your drinks and smoothies
If you choose to drink something that’s not water add some extra ice. It’s a sneaky way to trick yourself into drinking more water.
41. Add more spice to your foods
Nothing makes my drink more water than a hot curry. When you’re struggling to meet your goal, take a look at the foods you are eating.
42. Drink a full glass of water with every med or supplement.
Instead of taking a sip of water with your daily meds, fill the glass to the top and drink it all.
43. Incorporate it into health goals that are important to you.
Training for a marathon, going to a Zumba class, or just starting out with an evening stroll. Drinking water should be as important to you as your fitness or weight loss goals.
44. Keep tabs on your bathroom habits
Haven’t been to the bathroom for a while? Perhaps you are not drinking enough? Also, keep an eye on the colour of your urine. It indicates your hydration level.
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45. Reward yourself for hitting your weekly water target.
Experts say that habits take 21 days, 3 weeks, to form. To keep you motivated, reward yourself when you meet your weekly water target.
46. Stick to a one-to-one rule when drinking alcohol.
One beer, one glass of water. One glass of wine, one glass of water. No exceptions. Trust me, it will help your next-day hangover.
47. Read the labels on soft drinks.
Ever stopped to check the ingredients and sugar content on your favourite soft drink? I have and it certainly put me off drinking them on a daily basis. Energy drinks and fruit juices are packed full of sugar and there’s plenty of unhealthy ingredients hiding inside of Cola, Pepsi, and similar soft drinks. Reading the label might just motivate you to choose water instead!
48. Drink a full glass of water when going to bed.
Sip, sip, sip throughout the day but glug down one glass before going to bed. It helps to keep you hydrated overnight.
Now you know my top tips to drink more water you'll be meeting your daily water goal before you know it and becoming more sustainable in the process! Don't forget to order your reusable FLASKE so you can drink more water every day.